Vision, mission

Business philosophy - Philosophy of Symbiosis:

+ Satisfied Customers: We create customers who can create customers & turn customers into partners in a symbiotic ecosystem.

+ Employee Engagement: We are connected because each member shows credibility, and the whole team shows mutual trust in the work.

+ Business Growth: We believe that the continuous growth of the business is the most authentic proof of the values that the business has created.

+ Successful Partner: We always have a win-win mindset, so that our success is also based on & for the success of the alliance ecosystem.

+ Development Community: We closely associate the development of the business with the development of the industry, and the development of the industry based on and for the development of society.

Core values

Creation: We consider “innovation” as a typical corporate culture

Cooperate: We honor the philosophy of “synergy” both inside & outside the organization.

Reputation: We do exactly what we say, at the right time, in the right way.

Conscientious: We do what we love, and we love what we do.

Professionally: We are proficient in what we do & raise the standard of “sustainable quality”.


MICCO is a unique enterprise in the explosives, industrial chemicals & mining industries - with the aspiration to lead the market & assert a prestigious global brand.


MICCO's growth comes from the strategy of 'concentric diversification' & 'symbiotic ecosystem', in order to provide outstanding solutions to help customers optimize production efficiency, increase safety scores & build a sustainable business launch pad.

Symbiosis synergy